Sunday 2 August 2015

Did you know About "Eye in the Sky" St. Vincent.......

Eye in the Sky – St. Vincent & the Grenadines

The Grenadines are a string of exotic jewels set in crystalline turquoise waters, arching 45 miles between St Vincent and Grenada. These waters are famous for sailing…but some choose to take a bird’s eye view.

Flying through the Grenadines is unlike any other flight. You can lounge in a comfortable sofa, chat to your pilot or even crack a window. This fascinating archipelago of sand spits, coral reefs and islands with white-sand beaches offer breathtaking scenes of indescribable colour. You can breakfast, lunch, dine and party on different islands.

Start by flying to Canouan from St Vincent or Barbados, passing over Bequia as you go. Spend your first night at Raffles in their relaxing, dark orange Asian-Caribbean rooms. Fuel up the following morning on a buffet style breakfast.

In order to appreciate the vivid colours of the sea and reefs, it is better to fly around midday. We recommend you hire SVG Air privately for this trip – they’re the experts in holding low altitudes at a safe, slow speed in order to get a good look.

One of the first sights you will fly over is Raffles resort, set in the superb Carenage Bay with a three mile reef. After that, it’s a film reel of exciting visuals. Depending on your route, you may head northeast and circle mystical Mustique, home of the rich and famous like Brian Adams.

Then you can fly southwest again, passing back over Canouan’s green hills, secluded bays and deserted beaches, down over Tobago Cays: five small, uninhabited islands with a reef that spreads out like a purple fan.

Rob Barrett’s private Palm Island is next with its alluring Casuarina beach and palms. Stop on the neighbouring Union island for a snack or lunch. Palm Island is open until dusk and then only guests staying in the private resort stay the evening. Instead, have a light lunch at the beach bar, laze on a hammock, drink champagne or enjoy a sandwich. The sand is beautifully white and the sea is a stone’s throw away.

Head back to Union and off to Mustique before dusk – the runway closes before dark as there are no lights – to stay at the very fine Cotton House.

Serene in its elegant, stone architecture this luxurious accommodation is bedecked with Parisian furniture. The Cotton House will gracefully complete your journey to the Grenadines. After checking in to one of their duplexes, which feels like a private two-storey house, with everything from an espresso machine to a pillow menu, you can spend a wonderful evening at the restaurant and bar. There is a great cocktail party on Tuesday nights that the whole island seems to attend. You might bump into Mick Jagger, but even if you don’t, Mustique is full of wonderful and interesting characters.

Finally, enjoy a great lobster dinner on the quaint terrace of the Great Room, lit by flickering candles and old-fashioned carriage lights. The bar closes when the last person leaves and so you can party with fellow guests or you could check to see if it’s party night at Basil’s.


  1. i didnt know about this good information would love to try it
